
Everything to do with reading, writing, spelling, a fostering a love of books!

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Numbers, problem solving, patterns, and critical thinking.

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Because the world could always use a little more beauty.

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I believe that every child can learn, but every child does not learn in the same way. Teachers are constantly performing a balancing act, trying to meet the needs of each of their unique students, while crafting thoughtful and engaging lessons, planning exciting and enriching activities, taking notes and forming assessment to better build future learning and report on student progress, all while taking care of their own families at home. Wow.


My goal here is to help teachers with activities and ideas that are flexible, engaging, and easy to adapt or change based on your students’ needs. I hope that you can find a treasure that is just as useful to you as they are to me. If you have any ideas, thoughts, comments, or questions, I would love to hear from you! I believe that to grow as teachers and learners, we must create a community and help one another. Enjoy!

Now where do I go to find all this great stuff...

I post my products to Teacher's Pay Teachers. Take a look at this great resource sharing site and check out all of the wonderful creators and educators!